➠ Result by Friday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2024-05-24 145 5093 9027 8986 4956 9115
2024-05-17 138 0984 3721 6384 4256 1351
2024-05-10 131 6195 0340 7677 6842 1402
2024-05-03 124 2248 5016 9002 1023 7719
2024-04-26 117 4358 6761 7040 2903 0182
2024-04-19 110 5247 5981 8362 4279 8612
2024-04-12 103 9587 2590 0323 2978 9729
2024-04-05 96 1450 4271 6240 7166 3560
2024-03-29 89 3063 1231 1830 4671 1356
2024-03-22 82 0916 3761 5628 3246 6009
2024-03-15 75 1801 0007 4459 1501 5124
2024-03-08 68 1313 1813 4578 7877 7836
2024-03-01 61 1181 6021 8169 0855 7564
2024-02-23 54 8379 2958 3844 4434 1000
2024-02-16 47 9727 3782 6935 8133 8965
2024-02-09 40 4250 1037 7818 4915 3122
2024-02-02 33 9828 2452 5286 7131 8118
2024-01-26 26 0211 2239 3822 3712 3072
2024-01-19 19 1883 1915 5420 5273 4480
2024-01-12 12 4608 3794 7924 9409 5272
2024-01-05 5 7765 4327 3338 5956 8729

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